Towards a TB-Free India

Towards a TB-Free India

Towards a TB-Free India The decline in TB incidence is an outcome of India’s dedicated and innovative efforts. Through a collective spirit, we will keep working towards a TB-free India.” – Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi World Tuberculosis (TB) Day is...
Dealing with Cancer

Dealing with Cancer

Dealing with Cancer The Government is showing commitment to prevention, treatment & innovation Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In 2022, about 20 million new cancer cases were reported, and 9.7 million people died from the disease globally....
Caring Mental Health

Caring Mental Health

Caring Mental Health A community-approach is needed to tackle mental health problems. It is about time to find viable, impactful preventive strategies and interventions Mental health refers to an individual’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It...
Health Care for All

Health Care for All

Health Care for All While healthcare demand is continuing to grow, global healthcare costs are rising rapidly. Over half the world’s population don’t have access to essential healthcare. Therefore, collaboration amongst policymakers, healthcare providers,...
Becoming a Healthier Nation

Becoming a Healthier Nation

Becoming a Healthier Nation Key Health Indicators reflect India’s Progress Health and development are intertwined – healthy people generally have longer lives, and are more productive, enabling them to earn and save more, therefore contributing to the nation’s...