Elections in U.S.A. : The Final Scenario

Race to White House has entered its final lap. More than six months of hectic campaigning ended on 4th November. Both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are locked in a tough & fierce fight. To get the magic figure of 270 votes, race has been close or tight and neck and neck in seven swing states. Every single vote is going to matter in this incredibly close election. In a razor tight situation, a handful of votes in any of seven states could decide the final outcome. As such over 75 million voters have already exercised their franchise.
At this juncture, important issues of concern to the voters are : immigration, economy, abortion, crime safety of citizens and Middle East war.
According to some indications, election results can be expected by 8.45 a.m. on 6th November. Counting will begin on 5th November itself. Joe Biden was declared elected four days after 3rd November 2020 elections, while Hillary Clinton conceded defeat to Donald Trump, the morning after 2016 elections.
Donald Trump continues to be aggressive and restless while seeking a sensational return to White House. He is pursuing a policy of ‘America First’. But due to his outlandish persona, many people deeply dislike and distrust him. On the other hand, Kamala, in addition to laying stress on women issues, human rights and democracy, has begun playing emotional card by citing sacrifice, her late mother made in bringing her up and her sister Maya.
While this may strengthen her resolve or commitment to women, it may appeal to Asian and Indian voters also. No wonder, hundreds of women marched in her support from Freedom Plaza to White House the other day.
National polls too indicate that Kamala is more popular among women than Trump. In remaining days, she has to concentrate on Hispanics, Women and Moderate Republicans.
She is being seen as a person who will provide steady leadership.
On 1st November, biggest Latino Pop Star, Jennifer Lopez introduced Kamala Harris at a rally in Nevada and made an impatient appeal to her community to back the Democrats. It may prove crucial for Kamala for getting support of Pennsylvania which has over one lakh Puerto Ricans and Arizona and Nevada which have substantive Hispanic population.
As another feather in her cap, Harrison Ford, the former Star Wars actor made a rare endorsement for Kamala Harris. He has stated” These two people (Kamala & Waltz) believe in rule of law. They believe in science. They believe that when you govern, you do so for Americans. I am going to vote for Kamala to move forward.”
Encouraged by outstanding support of Jennifer Lopez, Harrison Ford and several other women celebrities earlier, Kamala Harris had a field day at North Carolina. She stated that we are the promise of America. Let’s be intentional about building communities. Your vote is your voice and your voice is your power. We are not going back. Ours is a fight for future, for freedom, for fundamental freedom of a woman to take independent decisions. I am looking for progress, not to make political points. I pledge to put country above party.

Oprah Winfrey, renowned T.V. hostess has also backed Kamala passionately by stating that battle was for decency and respect. She has also underlined Kamala’s vision of inclusive leadership. As Oprah has a large following, she was instrumental in swaying voters to Barrack Obama in 2008 elections.
Donald Trump with the support of Elon Musk, actors, musicians and wrestlers has gone ahead with his fresh campaign in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Milwaukee. While seeking votes, he is calling for mass deportations. He says, he will lose only when election was corrupted. Being obsessed with revenge, he has suggested that Liz Cheney should face firing squad for her statements. In her defence, Cheney has retorted ” We cannot entrust our country and freedom to a vindictive, cruel and unstable man who wants to be a tyrant.”
In the meanwhile, five key Republicans have spoken against Trump and endorsed the leadership of Kamala Harris.
However, Trump’s support for Hindus in Bangladesh is a welcome development. He has condemned attacks on Hindus, which neither Biden nor Kamala Harris have done so far. It will appeal to American- Indian community, though 10 percent of Indian voters reportedly have shifted to Republicans.
Barrack Obama continued supporting Kamala by addressing rallies in Tucson, Arizona, Las Vegas and Georgia. The Georgia rally was jointly addressed with Kamala. Fresh attempts are being made by them through rallies in Texas and Iowa also.
Kamala’s campaign in Michigan is critical since two lakh Arab Americans over here are disillusioned by her perceived lack of action in regard to conflict and suffering of people in Gaza strip. It’s high time Biden Government reviews it’s policy towards Middle East and puts a ban on arms supply to Israel.
In a nation of 330 millions the Presidential election will be decided by merely tens of thousands of voters in seven swing states(out of 50 states).Among the swing states, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have traditionally supported the Democrats, except once. As Pennsylvania has been treated as the most important state by both the parties, it had maximum campaigns and advertisements. In the event of a tie, the House of Representatives will choose the winner.
Independent voters may be vital in 2024 elections, especially in some of swing states, such as, Pennsylvania. Also a lot will depend on voter turn out. Ultimately, preference of a narrow segment of voters may determine the outcome.
A New York Times/Sienna poll has considered Kamala ‘s campaign credible. That’s why of the 8% late voters, 55% are likely to go for Kamala and 44% with Trump. It adds that many white men & women who have never voted for Democrats are going to vote for Kamala.
Taking a cue from 2020 Presidential elections, 2024 elections will have to be concluded in a peaceful manner. Any post election protest or demonstration may tarnish the image of U.S. democracy.
(Alok K.Shrivastava was the Chief Secretary, Sikkim)

Great article 🙏