The term ‘terror’ is derived from Latin word ‘ terrere’, which means to tremble or to frighten from. In other words, it implies intense fear caused for the purpose of coercing or subduing.
Terrorism may be defined as an act of organised violence aimed at generating chaos and disorder for achieving certain objectives, which in normal course cannot possibly be achieved within a given legal and constitutional framework. It is an act of intimidation ,a deliberate strategy to strike terror in society by use of armed or abnormal force.
Supreme Court of India has considered terrorism as a new crime, far serious in nature, more graver in impact and highly dangerous in consequence. It may be political in nature coupled with unjustified use of force threatening security and integrity of a state.
U.S. Department of Defence defines terrorism as unlawful use of forces or violence against individuals or property, to intimidate governments or societies.
Terrorism is also practised by a state against another state.It may denote violence or repression employed by a government in it’s own interest and same is seen all over.
Unfortunately, in post 2nd World War period, it has become a decisive weapon in international politics, more so, in the Middle East.State sponsored terrorism is geared to facilitate one’s foreign policy and put pressure on sponsor’s opponents by means of violence, which may not be conventional warfare but a sort of SURROGATE WARFARE or low intensity proxy war, having use of Drones and Missiles rather than fighter planes, artillery or infantry.
Many studies have shown that such activities are resorted to with the tacit support and connivance of super powers. These are likely to continue . It is also seen that during the course of a low intensity proxy war, concerned states do maintain some economic and diplomatic relations.
Ever since Israel was created and Palestine Liberation Organisation came into being, two of them have been at loggerheads.Rather, frequent developments indicate that they have become staunch enemies. While PLO have garnered support of many Arab countries, Israel has been fighting for it’s existence with support of funds, arms & ammunition and moral support from USA.
Some terrorist outfits / group’s in Middle East have played a pivotal role in espousing their respective objectives. As a result, the main issue is always kept alive. The PLO supporting terrorist groups too have their gains and losses but in the ultimate analysis ,it is the common man from Israel and Palestine who is at receiving end.
Therefore, prior to looking at emerging developments in the region, it may be desirable to throw some light on three prominent terrorist or militant organisations, namely, Black September,Hamas and Hezbollah and an intelligence agency – Mossad.
BSO was most dreaded terrorist organisation of its time. Founded in 1970, it was a breakway faction of Fatah, the Palestinian political party co-founded and led by Yasser Arafat from 1959 to 2004. Their ideology was Palestinian nationalism and anti- Zionism. Soon Fateh began operating from many Arabian countries to attack Israeli targets.
It was founded after the conflict to carry out attacks against Jordinian authorities in response to the expulsion of Fidayeen. King Hussain of Jordan had no option but to declare military rule.BSO thereafter moved it’s base to Lebanon in early seventies.
Besides many terrorist acts, BSO was responsible for assassination of Wasfi Tal, P.M. of Jordon in 1971 as he had commanded military operations against the Fidayeen. They also carried out massacre of 11 Israeli athletes and officials at 1972 Munich Olympics.
These developments led to creation of permanent anti- terrorism forces in many European countries.
HAMAS is a Palestinian nationalist Sunni Islamist political Organisation having a military wing.It has governed Israel occupied Gaza strip since 2007. Committed to armed resistance against Israel, it has been engaged in many rounds of violent conflicts with Israel. Most recent one took place on 7th October,2023, when it launched a massive surprise attack against Israel, killing 1200 people.
Hamas “Government” was led by Ismail Haniyeh from 2007 until February 2017 when Haniyeh was replaced by Yahya Sinwar. It may be noted that he was arrested by Israel in late eighties to be sentenced to four life terms. Although he had Brain Cancer, he managed to survive. When 1000 Palestinian prisioners were released in 2011 by orders of Israeli P.M. B.Netanyahu, he too was released.
He was ‘Face of Evil’ according to Israel, as he was chief architect of Hamas’s cross border raids on 7th October,2023. Killing of Y.Sinwar on 17th October in Gaza strip has given a significant blow to Hamas.As long as Sinwar was alive, he would refuse to negotiate. As he was the most wanted man for Israel, he had succeeded in evading Israeli efforts to kill him.For long he was a big target for USA also.No wonder, U.S. has opined that killing him was most pivotal event in one year long conflict. Following this, U.S.has urged Israel to have Cease fire in Gaza. They have also advised against attacking Iran.
Hamas has historically sought out relations with Egypt,Iran, Qatar,Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey.These countries have been supporting Hamas. Pakistan, being a staunch supporter of Palestine, does not recognise Israel. Incidentally, Russia has never named Hamas as a terrorist group.
Hamas continues to demand a complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, an end to hostilities, transfer of humanitarian aid and reconstruction of war torn territory. These have been rejected by Israel insisting that HAMAS MUST SURRENDER.

Literal meaning of Hezbollah is ‘Party of God’. It was set up in 1982 in South Lebanon.Hassan Nasrallah (assassinated recently) was one of it’s four founders. Within a few days of assassinating Nasrallah, Israelis managed to kill his successor also.
Hezbollah is a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and para military group. It’s para military wing is known as Jihad Council. While political wing is known as Loyalty to Resistance Bloc Party.
Objectives of Hezbollah are: Destroying Israel, Expelling Western influence from the region, Pledging allegiance to Supreme leader of Iran and Establishing an Islamic government influenced by Iran’s political ideology.
The Organisation receives funds mostly from Iran and Syria to take care of rockets, light infantry and anti- armour units. In view of the fact that it has 20,000 fighters and upto 120,000 rockets, it’s armed strength was assessed to be equivalent to that of a medium sized army in 2016.If we look at it’s present level of involvement against Israel, it should be in possession of hundreds of Drones including explosive Drones and precision guided missiles.
USA has designated it as a foreign terrorist Organisation since 1997.
Established in December, 1949, it is the secret service agency of Israel. It is the second largest espionage agency in the world after CIA of USA.It is supposed to be best intelligence service, having proved it’s mettle in four Arab-Israel wars of 1956,1967,1973 and 1982. They carry out under cover operations against enemies of Israel and former Nazi war criminals.
Its operations have included some of the most daring one’s.Its ability to conduct complex operations on foreign soil has made it one of most feared and ruthless intelligence organisations in the world. It is also linked with many assassination of Palestine leaders in Europe, Middle East and Africa. They could capture Adolf Eichmann, former Nazi in Argentina and took him to Israel to stand trial.
Mossad agents tracked down and killed the Arab guerilla leaders responsible for massacre of 11 Israeli athletes and officials at the Munich Olympics.
Further, in another daring act more than 100 Israeli passengers of an Air France plane which was hijacked and taken to Entebbe (Uganda) were rescued from Palestinian and German terrorists. All seven terrorists were killed alongwith one lsraeli soldier and three hostages. Whole operation was brilliantly planned and perfectly executed.
Israel due to its vulnerable location had to face threats from all four sides ever since it was created in 1948.It could settle issues with Egypt after series of wars but PLO, Jordan, Lebanon and lately Iran continue to pose challenges.Further, Syria, Iraq and Yemen too could become adversaries.
In 1988, Yasser Arafat, the first President of Palestine state recognised Israel’s right to exist. By 1992-93, he also decided to opt for negotiation rather than open conflict with Israel. Series of talks took place to end long conflict between the two. Due to his efforts and that of two Prime Ministers of Israel, Y.Rabin and Shimon Peres, all three were jointly given Nobel Peace Prize for 1994.
It is felt that initiative like this needs to be taken again on top priority. Appointment of an experienced negotiator will have to be explored.
With assassination of Hassan Nasrallah and Yahya Sinwar, Israel seems to have given a big blow to two organisations they headed.As they had political vision, they could bolster the terror agenda.It may be necessary to redress the grievances of Palestinians who have lost 42,000 of their brethren.Further, ongoing clashes have destroyed large areas of Gaza and displaced 90% of it’s population of 2.3 millions.Lebanon has also estimated that more than 2,400 people were killed in one year and more than 1.2 million people have been displaced.Fate of hundreds of Israeli hostages (men, women, elderly and children) in Gaza also will have to be decided.
Global community must also prevail over Israel to stop it’s operations. U.N.O. has done nothing to diffuse the situation. Instead they are more concerned about demolition of observation tower and fence of their Peace Keeping Force in South Lebanon.
USA has called upon Israel to go for cease fire. U.S. President has expressed the view that death of Y.Sinwar was a moment of justice and an opportunity to seek a path to peace. USA has also warned Israel that failure to end the blockade could trigger a reduction in arms delivery to Israel. Further, Israel has been asked not to strike Iranian energy facilities and nuclear sites.
In addition, Keir Starmer, British P.M., after consulting the German Chancellor and the French President has stated “we can move towards a long term and sustainable peace in the Middle East”.
As far as India is concerned, no appeal has been made so far to end the hostility.However, many M.P.’s who took part in a Standing Committee meeting on 25th October, have asked why India has abstained 20 times from a U.N. vote on Gaza and why humanitarian crisis in conflict (6000 women and 11,000 children dead in one year) was not condemned ?
Despite such views and positive expressions, neither Israel nor Hamas have shown willingness to put an end to fighting.
Israeli P.M. has reiterated “our war has not yet ended”. Hamas too has also made it clear that Israeli hostages will not be released until there is a cease fire in Gaza and withdrawal of Israeli troops.
One can conclude by saying that further conflict and it’s intensification can have horrifying consequences for the humanity. It is hoped that peace and amity must return to the region.
(Alok K.Shrivastava is a former Chief Secretary of Sikkim)

Great article..must read
Very well described the very reason of this whole Conflict.
Compelling Israel to retaliate against these Muslim terrorist
To save its Identity.
Very well written.