Absolute Theory of Universe

I have tried to give you the right concept about the universe with my long term research because it is necessary that you should know about this where you exist
This is a brief theoretical concept of the universe. This is my 10 year-long research about the complete universe and I strongly say that this is the real concept about the universe because according to me there is nothing truth beyond this concept.
I generally see that there are many misconceptions about the universe that are so irritating for humans and force us to think more about nonsense things.
But here I have tried to give you the right concept about the universe with my long term research because it is necessary that you should know about this where you exist.
To understand this theory in general words you need to know some general things such as the number zero and infinite means. There is a beginning point and end point but the truth is both numbers actually don’t exist. It means there is neither beginning nor end in the universe. It’s only our misunderstanding about the real universe, that is, it begins or ends because these numbers are only relative. It means if I say there is nothing means zero it means there is nothing with respect to something but here something exists.
And where the beginning point and end point doesn’t exist there is only a result or a stable state that exists. It means only the result can be performed here. That means suppose you have a mobile. When you click on a link in a mobile you see only the result ,not the process or mechanism which is happening in the background after click.

Likewise, the universe works. Everything is the result performer only. It doesn’t show the mechanism because there is no time. Yes you read the right word that there doesn’t exist any time because there exist things that are only in the result form of the universe and it can not vary. There are things like Motion, rotation, energy, mass, elements, atoms, matter, all things except time.
Now if there is unfortunately any incident like collision it is the only possibility that can happen in the universe and this will produce the time that is a miracle of the universe. That is the beginning of another Universe where time exists.
According to researchers, the universe began by the bigbang but the twist here is that the first incident was the big collision between two heavy masses that created the gap in the universe and after that the bibang happend. Big collisions will also produce the time. This time value will be the time of the base universe to regain their stability from an unstable state. It is because of big collision disturbances the base universe exists in a stable state , it can not vary.
The produced big bang after big collision is a new universe whose existence depends on how much time is created after the big collision. When time will end the created universe merges with the base universe. These are the actual concepts about the universe.
For example, calm water is like a base universe and by any disturbance the created disturbance in calm water is like a new created universe. When I throw a stone in calm water, it creates disturbance and also a gap. This disturbance is like a new universe or time dependent universe. That will be for a certain time. After this certain time, the calm water regains stability and it will be in a calm position again.
This is the real concept of the universe and I strongly oppose other thoughts about the universe being nonsensical.
(The author is a B.Tech in IT and can be reached through yogeshpathak231@gmail.com)