Enhancing Irrigation

Enhancing Irrigation

Enhancing Irrigation India is a country where more than 60 percent people depend on agriculture for their livelihood. But agriculture depends on the availability of water. The more the land has irrigation facilities, the more is the agricultural productivity, which,...
Cleaning Ganga

Cleaning Ganga

Cleaning Ganga In December 2022, “Namami Ganga Mission” was recognized as one of the top ten initiatives of the World Restoration Flagship of the UN Decade. Namami Gange was chosen from over 160 submissions made from across the world. Additionally, the documentary...
Importance of Knowing India

Importance of Knowing India

Importance of Knowing India There is a saying in our country – ‘Swadesho Bhuvantrayam’. That is, ‘for us, the whole world is our country and only human beings are our brothers and sisters’. It was on this ideological foundation that our forefathers shaped the cultural...